
Student Resumes & Interviews

Employers, interested in hiring RW2 students or alumni for career positions or internships? Send us an email at rw2.cte@rw2.education. Give us a call at (816) 875-0111. Schedule a short call via Calendly.

“RW2 resumes” identify both the technical and the soft skills students have gained and strengthened. Students can also provide samples of their work/projects. 

As you schedule interviews, let us help with information about a student’s career-readiness based on the RW2 work-readiness assessment.


Get Involved

Business, industry, and community based organizations, let’s collaborate in an effort to create and increase equitable opportunities for well-rounded talent in the technically skilled workforce!  

  • Companies:  Get the talent needed – new hires or existing employees needing to skill up.
  • Organizations: Outsource your workforce education and training to RW2 and still meet your expectations and mission. 
  • Together:  Let’s make a measurable impact in and strengthen our communities.
  • Special Professional Experiences (SPE): Companies get help with their projects and students get real-world experience.
  • Special Professional Presentations (SPP): Make a presentation and/or host a field trip.
  • Advisory Board: Provide input about our education and training in bi-annual meetings.
  • Donate: Tax deductible support for need-based scholarships, programmatic, and/or operations support.